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S M Asger Ali, PhD

GIS Analyst

Asger is a GIS Analyst focusing on developing and transforming spatial data using software tools and other data to support projects.  He creates charts, graphs, maps, ArcGIS Story Maps, and reports of the analysis. He also helps update and maintain complex GIS data sets. His professional interests include geospatial modeling, social determinants of health (SDoH), vulnerability assessments, population health research, big data analytics, and creating web-based interactive dashboards.

He currently is designing two digital atlases for the Encyclopedia of Indianapolis: Religion and Arts & Culture; researching, analyzing, and writing chapters for the State of Aging in Central Indiana Report; developing the Indiana Evictions & Foreclosure Dashboard; and helping with the Indiana Data Harvest program.

He has published seven peer-reviewed journal publications and been invited as a reviewer from journals including Preventive Chronic Disease, Applied Geography, and PloS Global Public Health.

Asger earned a PhD in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences from Mississippi State University, a master’s degree in Sociology from Oklahoma State University, and a B.S. degree in Urban and Rural Planning from Khulna University in  Bangladesh.

He is a member of the American Association of Geographers (AAG), the Indiana Geographic Information Council (IGIC), the American Meteorological Society (AMS), the Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP), and the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA).