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Spirit & Place

Spirit & Place is a community initiative that grew out of The Polis Center’s first Project on Religion and Urban Culture, which looked at how religion and community have shaped our city and region. Its mission since 1995 is to be a catalyst for civic engagement and enduring change through creative collaborations among the arts, humanities, and religion. The Polis Center managed it through December 2020, at which time it became a separate program in the IU School of Liberal Arts. Polis is proud of this valuable legacy project and continued interest by the community.

Through its annual November festival, people-centered community engagement, and year-round activities, Spirit & Place fosters cross-sector collaborations, training sessions, and public events that spark connections and build bridges between people, ideas, organizations, and places. The 2019 theme R/EVOLUTION! considers what history, geography, science, astronomy, sociology, religion, political science, and culture teach us about both revolution and evolution.


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Spirit & Place Festival
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Year-round Programming
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Creativity & Imagination