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Polis built a new partnership to support policymaking in Central Indiana with  a collaboration with the Indianapolis City County Council to develop actionable data to inform its public safety grant allocation process and to inform its committee on race and equity about the inequities Black Indy residents face in the current pandemic that contribute to increased positivity rates of
COVID-19 for this population.

The Council District Crime Prevention Grant program is a collaboration with the Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF), the City of Indianapolis Office of Public Safety, and the city-county council. The crime prevention and reduction program grants awards to address priorities that each council member established based on data from the SAVI’s team’s analysis in 2020. The program seeks to address disproportionate impacts of crime and inequitable access to opportunities.


  • Skill Type: data analysis, data visualizations, strategic planning, indices, public policy

  • Geography: Indianapolis

  • Status: Complete

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