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Wanja Waweru Walkowski

GIS Project Coordinator

Wanja Waweru Walkowski is a GIS Project Coordinator focusing on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Risk MAP program, an initiative that aims to update flood maps in Indiana counties. She also works with counties through Indiana to update their Multi-hazard Mitigation Plans (MHMPs). Before joining Polis, she interned with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Forest Service addressing stormwater management, climate change adaptation, and land cover change. Wanja holds a Masters degree in Environment & Sustainability from the University of Michigan and a B.S. degree in Earth & Environmental Engineering from Columbia University. She is a member of the Indiana Association for Floodplain and Stormwater Management (INAFSM) and the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association URISA).