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John Hayes

Data and Quality Assurance Coordinator

John Hayes is a Data and Quality Assurance Coordinator who applies ArcGIS, Arc/View, SQL scripts, SAS programming and Access tools to assist in data processing, quality assurance, and quality control. He performs frequency analysis, data class replication and other statistical testing.

While at Polis, he has been the primary coordinator of aerial photography scanning, including defining the scanning process, setting up production logs, programming the Intergraph PhotScanTD scanner, and establishing the image QC process.

Project Experience:

GIS analyst, SAVI. As Data and Quality Assurance Coordinator for the SAVI project, Hayes developed QC processes for which he used both automated and manual ArcGIS, MS Access, and SAS procedures.

GIS analyst, IMAGIS. Hayes was involved in the two previous Indianapolis [IMAGIS] basemap updates. The first was done using ArcInfo, the second was compiled in MicroStation. Hayes assumed the production and QC coordination responsibilities for this project during the second update, including coordinating two support staffs, compiling, final data processing and writing deliverables to tape and CD media for delivery. He also developed a project procedure manual used to standardize production methods and QC.