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Ally Scott

Research Data Analyst

Allyson Scott (Ally) is a research data analyst. In this role, she will gather and analyze data from various sources, develop reports and visualizations, and perform appropriate statistical methodology.

Ally works on the How is Indianapolis Doing? project and assists with chapter updates for the State of Aging in Central Indiana Report, a project Polis is working on in collaboration with the Central Indiana Senior Fund, a fund of the Central Indiana Community Foundation. In addition, she helps in the  development of a New America dashboard, supports the Polis Center with social media content, and provides analysis for a diverse portfolio of community analysis projects.

Before joining Polis, Ally worked as a clinical research specialist for the IU School of Medicine’s Clinical Trials Office. Her master’s degree in Human Computer Interaction is from IU Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering at IUPUI. Her bachelor’s degree in Brain and Behavioral Sciences is from Purdue University.