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Aditya Kar

Full Stack Web Developer

Aditya Kar designs, develops, and maintains front- and back-end technologies for the SAVI community information system and related products using a wide range of applications including JavaScript, HTML, CSS, GitHub, Docker, Kubernetes, Helm K8s package manager, Node.js, and Golang.

In this role, he collaborates with clients, front-end designers, data analysts, and database administrators to spearhead successful IT product development, while proficiently integrating data and user input through REST and various API protocols.

In addition, Aditya applies his expertise in code maintenance, continuous integration, and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline strategies using GitHub actions, along with proficiency in testing, beta-to-production deployment strategies, and microservices, to develop information technology products serving community and university partners.

He also develops and implement data visualizations utilizing advanced tools and technologies such as ESRI ArcGIS APIs, Leaflet, Google Map APIs; creates custom visualizations using D3.js; and collaborates with the Systems Engineering Leader to tune microservices environment.

Aditya earned a B.S. degree in computer science with a minor in mathematics from the University of Central Oklahoma. He plans to apply to the IU masters program in computer science.