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Effective disaster management requires an accurate description of the built environment.  Resources necessary to develop these data often exist, but may be in difficult to access formats or incomplete.


Polis has expertise in developing tool kits that can leverage local resources to develop credible inventories of at risk structures.

Developing Effective Cost-efficient Solutions

Hazard mitigation planning requires credible information about the hazards that impact a community as well as knowledge about the buildings and populations at risk.   Polis is expert in the development of GIS-based tool kits that stitch together information from multiple sources in order to produce GIS enabled data that contains detailed information about buildings including how they are constructed, how they are used, what their value is, and other important attributes that inform risk models.

Sources of data from which these inventories are compiled typically include property tax databases, parcel maps, building footprints, and other related data.  To date Polis has developed building inventory toolkits to support state and county mitigation planning efforts in Georgia, Maryland, West Virginia, South Carolina, Indiana, and Texas.

To learn more, contact Kevin Mickey.