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Join us November 2 for the State of Aging in Central Indiana Report webinar, Help Wanted: Who Do We Need to Help Us Age at Home. This event will explore the direct care workforce needed to help the growing older adult population age at home. Robin Elmerick, Senior Director of Effective Philanthropy, Central Indiana Community Foundation, will provide a brief introduction to the Central Indiana Senior Fund and its State of Aging in Central Indiana Report. Sierra Xonia Vaughn, Assistant Director of Data & Research, Bowen Center for Health Workforce Research & Policy, will describe Indiana’s current direct care workforce, including its size and composition, and Indiana’s future need for direct care workers. Peggy Welch, Chief Advocacy Officer, Indiana Family and Social Services Administration, will present Indiana’s plan for growing Indiana’s direct service workforce. This will be followed by a panel discussion of experts in the fields of aging and workforce development about the challenges in building this workforce and opportunities for enhancing the capabilities and capacity of direct care workers. Side Effects Public Media Health Reporter Alex Li will moderate the discussion with Aqueasha Martin-Hammond, Associate Professor Human-Centered Computing, Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering at Indianapolis; Tina McIntosh, President & CEO, Joy’s House; Emily Munson, Policy Director and Senior Attorney, Indiana Disability Rights; and Peggy Welch, Chief Advocacy Officer, Family and Social Services Administration. This event is a series on aging in place and a partnership between The Polis Center, WFYI Public Media, and the Central Indiana Senior Fund, a fund of the Central Indiana Community Foundation. Check out the report, webinar recording, and PPT slides from the first webinar in the series, May 11.