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Virtual Center for Spatial Humanities

The Virtual Center for Spatial Humanities is a collaboration among The Polis Center, Florida State University, West Virginia University, and University of Richmond. Created to address the challenges of applying traditional GIS to the humanities, the center quickly emerged as a leader in research and development of methods to advance the use of GIS in non-traditional fields, with a specific focus on religion in the Atlantic World. Significant initiatives:

  • We hosted an NEH Advanced Institute, attracting scholars worldwide, to explore how deep maps can support relevant issues in spatial humanities, and ultimately, to develop a deep map prototype.
  • We developed the Digital Atlas of American Religion to allow researchers to explore complex religion data, at varying scales and with multi dimensions, within a humanities-focused GIS.
  • We developed the first book series in spatial humanities (Indiana University Press) with nine books currently under contract.

For more information, contact David Bodenhamer.