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Spatial Humanities

Spatial Humanities revitalizes and redefines scholarship by (re)introducing geographic concepts of space to questions about human behavior and cultural development.

A leader in the field of Spatial Humanities

Spatial Humanities relies upon powerful geospatial technologies and methods to explore new questions about the relationship of space to human behavior and social, economic, political, and cultural development. A legacy project of The Polis Center, we served an international community of humanities scholars interested in applying geospatial technologies to the disciplines within the humanities to explore new questions in this field. We collaborated with researchers around the world to explore spatial narratives, advanced visualization, dynamic context, and immersive environments. We hosted international planning workshops, created an online atlas of religion in North America, and developed curricula to serve humanities and researchers, yielding approximately $500,000 in external funding in the past three years. The Polis Center was actively engaged in the development of the field of Spatial Humanities since the 1990s until Dr. Bodenhamer, Polis Center former executive director, retired.

Dr. Bodenhamer, Polis Center executive director, gave a presentation and this interview, which explains spatial humanities in more detail, on February 2018 at Ball State University. Video courtesy of Digital Scholarship Lab, Ball State University.


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Deep Maps and Spatial Narratives
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Digital Atlas of American Religion
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Religion by Region
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International Collaboration
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Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative
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Spatial Humanities Book Series
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Virtual Center for Spatial Humanities