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Collaborative Strategies

As an emerging field, spatial humanities depends upon the ability of researchers from many disciplines to learn from each other and to use a team-based approach to solving problems. One way in which we strengthen our international collaboration is through the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative, a global consortium of universities, research institutions, and libraries that share a vision of creating a virtual library of cultural information with a time and place interface. We are collaborating with two British universities–Lancaster University and Leeds University–to form an expert network of computer scientists, geographers, and humanists to explore the use of Qualitative Spatial Representation in humanities research, supported by an Arts and Humanities Research Council(UK) grant. The first meeting was in Lancaster April 26-27, 2018 and the second was held at Polis in late August. A third will be hosted by Leeds University in spring 2019.

Related blog: Collaborative Strategies for the Spatial Humanities

For more information, contact David Bodenhamer.