Tarek Rashed, Director of Geoinformatics, and Kevin Mickey, Director of Professional Education and Outreach. presented at the National States Geographic Information Council annual conference in Indianapolis on Oct. 28. Rashed’s session was entitled “Geospatial Platforms for Integrated Flood Risk Management” and Mickey’s was “Incentivizing Resilience: The Role of the GIS Community in Moving from Risk Analysis to Impact.“
The National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) is committed to efficient and effective government through the prudent adoption of geospatial information technologies (GIT). Members include senior state geographic information system (GIS) managers and coordinators and representatives from federal agencies, local government, the private sector, academia and other professional organizations. NSGIC is particularly concerned with the creation of intelligent maps and databases that enable public and private decision makers to make better informed and timelier decisions in a wide array of governmental areas. NSGIC also supports the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) as the technology, policies, criteria, standards and people necessary to promote geospatial data sharing throughout all levels of government, the private and non-profit sectors, and the academia.