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The Polis Center is pleased to offer student positions that provide students an opportunity to put the informatics skills they are learning into practice via community-focused projects.

Desired skill sets include programming R, Python, MS SQL, data analysis, GIS, social media, visualizations, graphic design, and others, as individual projects require. Positions range from in-person, hybrid, or remote, and depend on the assigned project(s).

If interested, please send an email with your resume and a cover letter. Due to the volume of requests, the Polis staff do not respond individually. All requests must go to the email 

We are pleased to announce that from July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023, Polis provided experiential learning opportunities to 105 students!

Currently, we have confirmed seven interns onboard this semester: two in web development, one in GIS, one in communication and data analysis, and four in project management for Bio Health Informatics (BHI). We also are working with Skip Comer, director of the COMET lab, to assign Luddy Human Centered Computing students to Polis projects for the fall semester.