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Join us October 24 at 6 p.m. at IndyPL Central Library as we present a conversation using the Indianapolis Racial Equity Report Card to better understand the way race plays a role in housing and the economy in Indianapolis. Join other experts in the fields of housing, banking, tenant advocacy, and beyond as we find new ways to think through solutions to the issues facing your neighbors. We will use data and analysis directly pulled from the housing and economy focus areas of the Indianapolis Racial Equity Report Card.

The Polis Center will provide the data. Bier Brewery will provide the drafts! A partnership with WFYI Public Media, IndyPL, and Bier Brewery.

Agenda: Doors will open at 6:00 and the discussion will begin promptly at 6:15.

Parking: Parking is available in the Library’s underground parking garage, which can be accessed via Pennsylvania St.

COVID-19: Guests will be asked to adhere to any COVID-19 precautions that are in place at the time of the event. Central Library does not currently have an active mask mandate in place, so we ask attendees to please use their own personal discretion.
