The SAVI Community Information System seeks to provide vital context for the social and economic realities in Central Indiana communities. This is why members of our SAVI team also work with our data sets and analytics tools to create unique, comprehensive reports that reveal trends and help us all better identify community needs and improve access to crucial services. Check out our newest report: Unequal Access: Tobacco Retail in the Indianapolis Metro Area.
Retail access to various smoking products is an important consideration when discussing community action to improve a community’s health. Studies show that tobacco outlet density and proximity are linked to tobacco use–particularly in poor areas. We used socioeconomic data culled from the SAVI community information system to examine the density and proximity of tobacco outlets relative to vulnerable communities in Marion County. The report serves as a companion piece to the IU Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health’s September 2016 Report on the Tobacco Epidemic in Marion County and Indiana!