Farmacie online Farmacia Millefolia cu cele mai bune prețuri din România. Играйте в Вавада казино - каждая ставка приносит выигрыш и приближает к большим деньгам. Заходите на официальный сайт Вавада казино и вперед к победам!

We Build Capacity

We build the capacity of organizations and communities across multiple domains (nonprofits, health, disaster mitigation support) to define, measure, and increase their sustainability and effectiveness.


We convene and facilitate cross-disciplinary collaborations that inform and generate connections between people, ideas, organizations, and places.

Consultation & Support

We offer consultation and support services to organizations in making data-based decisions that identify what will best inform your goals, provide the solution you are seeking to achieve the results you want, and present to your audience most effectively.


We develop and instruct quality hands-on courses and workshops taught by highly knowledgeable and experienced instructors. Many of our educational offerings can be customized to your specific needs and taught in a variety of venues to include online or at your location. We are experts in explaining how to apply geographic information systems technology and concepts to map, manage and analyze information that supports community resiliency, public health and disaster management.


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Help Forge New Strategies for Pressing Problems
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Community Health Assessment
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Cost Efficient Solutions
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Data Interpretation and Application
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Spatial Humanities