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We Develop Knowledge Platforms

We create technology-based solutions for the management, sharing, and use of data through data warehouses, portals, dashboards, and information systems.

Data Warehouses & Portals

We integrate data from a variety of sources, analyze it, and make it accessible in easy-to-use formats. We build Integrated Data Systems (IDS) to connect information across data sources and reveal trends and patterns about important community challenges. We develop data portals to provide access to data through maps and other visualizations.

Online Data Dashboards

We transform data into meaningful information about communities and make it accessible through online dashboards. These dashboards provide context to the data and present it through powerful data visualizations that add meaning to the data.

Community Information Systems

We manage one of the nation’s largest and most comprehensive community information systems call SAVI. We also build decision support systems that inform discovery and prioritization processes, such as mitigation, community assessments, and community planning.

Example Projects

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Older Adult Population Profiles
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Supporting State of Indiana Natural Disaster Emergency Management
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Digital Urban Encyclopedias
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Community Information Systems
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Flood Plan Decision Support Systems
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Online Data Dashboards