Spirit & Place 2016 Festival starts this weekend, running from Nov. 4-13! We are excited that the Festival has received considerable advance press mention. The Festival was featured on the front page of the October 31 IndyStar, “Old Indy Neighborhood Was an Island of Racial Harmony,” and appeared in the IndyStar Life section on October 28, “Spirit & Place: Home for the Homeless.” The IU News Room also distributed a great story on the nine Indiana University and Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis events in this year’s program. Other media promotion thus far includes: the Indianapolis Recorder, “Storytellers, Community to Gather for Historic Riverside Event,”IndyStar, Fall Arts Guide 2016 event listings, IndyStar, “Choir For the Homeless Gives Voice to the Voiceless,” IndyStar Staff Pick (featuring the signature event, “An Evening With Elizabeth Strout,” on Nov. 9, which is sold out),Downtown Indy inclusion in e-newsletter and on website, WISH TV feature,”Ivy Tech to Host Event for Spirit and Place Festival, and the Current in Zionsville,”Recycled Art Market Promotes Creative Sustainability.”