Soulit Chacko is the Postdoctoral Research Fellow with Religion and Urban Culture 2.0. She is a qualitative sociologist and her research interests center on immigration, race, ethnicity and religion, gender, and body and embodiment. She uses ethnographic methods to illuminate migrant experiences in the U.S., drawing attention to how race, religion, and gender is experienced in everyday life. She has published articles in academic journals including Journal of Women, Gender, Families of Color and Studies in Social Justice. She has presented her research both nationally and internationally such as at the 63rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations in NY, American Sociological Association, National Women’s Studies Association, Milwaukee, and International Sociological Association. Soulit has a PhD in Sociology from Loyola University Chicago where she also got her MA from. She received her BA in Urban Planning and Public Policy from University of Illinois Chicago and also has a B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) from Christ University, Bangalore, India.