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On February 21, Kevin Mickey, Polis, Director, Professional Development and Geospatial Technology Education, is teaching a six-hour virtual workshop for FEMA Region X, “Using GIS to Describe and Measure Risks and Vulnerabilities from Flood and Earthquake Hazards.”

The workshop is a collaboration with the University of Wisconsin Space Science and Engineering Center and introduces goals and strategies associated with modeling natural hazard risk in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho with a focus on earthquakes, tsunamis, and other types of floods.

It provides an overview of tools and techniques that support modeling and managing the physical, economic, and social risks associated with these hazards. Four additional multi-day virtual and on-site workshops are scheduled for Region X between now and the end of July.

Kevin is a recognized expert in the application of geospatial technologies in support of natural hazard risk analysis and emergency management. In addition to developing, managing, and supporting risk related projects, he also designs and instructs practitioner and academic courses on a variety of geospatial topics and technologies. Kevin has nearly three decades of consulting experience for multiple U.S. federal agencies as well as many state and local government, private sector, academic, and nonprofit organizations.