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We are pleased to welcome Asger Ali, who joined us January 4, 2023, as a GIS Analyst to collaborate with teams across the center. He earns his PhD, specializing in Geospatial Sciences this December. He holds a master’s degree in sociology and a B.S. degree in urban and rural planning.

Sowmya Karpurapu joined Polis January 9 as ETL Engineer, replacing John Hayes who retired in December. She graduated in December with a master’s degree in Applied Data Science. She earned a Bachelor of Technology degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering in India.

Sai Shivani Chirag started with Polis on January 18 as data analysis/social media coordinator intern, working with Allegra and the data analysis team. Her current data analysis portfolio includes supporting the “How is Indianapolis Doing?” project, along with other interns from the COMET Lab.