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Spatial Humanities Book Series

The spatial humanities book series, the first of its kind, released its first book, The Spatial Humanities: GIS and the Future of Humanities Scholarship, in 2010 and has an additional eight books under contract from the fields of archaeology, Holocaust Studies, Irish Studies, literary studies, and religious studies.

The series promotes scholarship in spatial humanities among academic and lay audiences, from introductory to advanced topics. The most recent book, Deep Maps and Spatial Narratives, was published in February 2015 and investigates deep mapping and the spatial narratives that stem from it. A deep map is a detailed, multimedia depiction of a place and all that exists within it. Where traditional maps serve as statements, deep maps serve as conversations [more about Deep Maps and Spatial Narratives]. The authors in this book come from a variety of disciplines: history, religious studies, geography and GIS, and computer science. Each uses deep mapping to explore the complex problems of society and culture by making use of a new creative space that is visual, structurally open, multimedia, and multi-layered. The spatial humanities book series is currently available through IU Press.