The Polis Center has received multiple media mentions about the Cornavirus Data Hub it created. This includes:
The March 23 IndyStar featured on the inside front page a copy of the map from the Indiana coronavirus dashboard created by Marianne and Matt N.
CBS4 interviewed Matt N and Marianne March 24 for its segment, “Track Indy’s vulnerable areas with new Coronavirus Data Hub from IUPUI.”
The March 25 IndyStar included the Coronavirus Data Hub in a list of pertinent maps, “Where is the coronavirus in Indiana? See confirmed cases of COVID-19 with these maps.”
Reporter Jill Sheridan, WFYI, interviewed Matt N for the March 25 story, ”Data Hub Maps Coronavirus Risk Levels By Neighborhood.”
The IBJ and Indianapolis Monthly are planning to embed our Coronavirus Data Hub on their websites, with due credit to Polis Center and SAVI.