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Effective: 2024-05-03


This privacy notice applies only to the Polis Center ( and explains our practices concerning the collection, use, and disclosure of visitor information. Visitor information collected by Polis Center will be used only as outlined in this privacy notice.

Other units at the university may collect and use visitor information in different ways. Therefore, visitors to other university websites should review the privacy notices for the particular sites they visit. Polis Center is not responsible for the content of other websites or for the privacy practices of websites outside the scope of this notice.


Because Internet technologies continue to evolve rapidly, Polis Center may make appropriate changes to this notice in the future. Any such changes will be consistent with our commitment to respecting visitor privacy, and will be clearly posted in a revised privacy notice.

Collection and Use

Passive/Automatic Collection

When you view pages on our site, the web server does not collect any technical information from your computer or about your connection.

Continued use of our website indicates consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of this information as described in this notice.

Active/Manual/Voluntary Collection

We will not attempt to collect any information from you through the use of forms or other type of manual input.

Information Sharing

We do not share any aggregate, non-personally identifiable information with other entities or organizations.

We do not share any personally identifiable information with other entities or organizations, except when legally required to do so, at the request of governmental authorities conducting an investigation, to verify or enforce compliance with the policies governing our website and applicable laws, or to protect against misuse or unauthorized use of our website.

Except as described above, we will not share any information with any party for any reason.

Except as provided in the Disclosure of Information section below, we do not attempt to use the technical information discussed in this section to identify individual visitors.


A cookie is a small data file that is written to your hard drive that contains information about your visit to a web page. If you prefer not to receive cookies, you may configure your browser not to accept them at all, or to notify and require approval before accepting new cookies. Some web pages/sites may not function properly if the cookies are turned off, or you may have to provide the same information each time you visit those pages.

In order to customize the information and services offered to you, our site uses cookies to:

Disclosure of Information

We may share some aggregate information with other appropriate university personnel and units to ensure the quality, functionality, and security of our website/application.

Any other disclosure—with appropriate external parties such as law enforcement agencies—will be done in accordance with all applicable laws and university policies in order to investigate and respond to suspected violations of law or university policy.


Due to the rapidly evolving nature of information technologies, no transmission of information over the Internet can be guaranteed to be completely secure. While Indiana University is committed to protecting user privacy, IU cannot guarantee the security of any information users transmit to university sites, and users do so at their own risk.

Links to non-university sites

Indiana University is not responsible for the availability, content, or privacy practices of non-university sites. Non-university sites are not bound by this site privacy notice policy and may or may not have their own privacy policies.

Privacy Notice Changes

From time to time, we may use visitor information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy notice.

Contact Information

If you have questions or concerns about this policy, please contact us.

Polis Center
ATTN: Neil Devadasan

If you feel that this site is not following its stated policy and communicating with the owner of this site does not resolve the matter, or if you have general questions or concerns about privacy or information technology policy at Indiana University, please contact the chief privacy officer through the University Information Policy Office, 812-855-UIPO,