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Community Needs and Quality-of-Life Planning

We analyze local, state, and national data sources to understand social issues and how they impact communities. We build solutions that are grounded in data, research, and community process. We create online dashboards, profiles, and decision-support tools to make data accessible and actionable. We provide strategic consulting and data analysis to guide decision-making, needs assessments, and planning.

Our work includes:

  • Building community information systems and web-based decision support tools
  • Providing data integration and analysis, transforming data to create meaning and provide insights.
  • Developing and analyzing community data to understand social issues and how they impact communities
  • Bringing academic research to practical applications
  • Building capacity in others to use information for decision making
  • Empowering people to use data effectively through data literacy workshops and support.
  • Providing strategic data consulting to guide strategic planning, community needs assessments, and other data-informed decisions.

As a result, our partners are able to:

  • Design better programs
  • Target resources where need is greatest
  • Measure and track progress and trends
  • Identify and connect with potential partners
  • Conduct better community assessments
  • Coordinate community planning efforts
  • Build a case for support
  • Share their story with stakeholders
  • Ultimately achieve greater impact


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SAVI Community Information System
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SAVI Equity Data & Information Hub
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SAVI Coronavirus Data & Information Hub
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IU Lilly Family School on Philanthropy
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Domestic Violence Network